HLS Player - Free Play M3U8 Live streams

Ex.: https://test-streams.mux.dev/x36xhzz/x36xhzz.m3u8

About HLS Player

Get ready for the ultimate media experience with M3U8 Player of HLS Player. Our powerful M3U8 and HLS player is the perfect choice for anyone looking to enjoy seamless playback of their favorite live streams and videos. With support for a wide range of formats and customizable playback options, it is the go-to player for casual viewers and content creators alike. Plus, our user-friendly interface makes it easy to get started and customize your settings. So why wait? Try M3U8 Player today and take your media experience to the next level!

What is M3U8?

M3U8 is a computer file format that contains a multimedia playlist. Normally the playlist points to a stream on the Internet. This player downloads the video specified in the M3U8 file and plays within your browser.

What is HLS?

HLS stands for HTTP Live Streaming. It’s a HTTP-based media streaming communications protocol implemented by Apple Inc. It works by breaking the overall stream into a sequence of small file downloads, each download loading one short chunk of an overall potentially unbounded transport stream.

HLS streams are usually described using M3U8 playlist.

Browser Compatibility

Most desktop and mobile browsers are supported. However, CORS must be enabled on the streaming server, otherwise it may not play.

What types of multimedia content can be played using an M3U8 player?

An M3U8 player can play various types of multimedia content, including video, audio, and live streams.

How do I use an M3U8 player?

The esiest way to play M3U8 URL online. requiring no special software other than a standard Web browser.

  1. Paste a m3u8 URL into the above input box;
  2. Tap “Play” or “Backup Page” button.

Can M3U8 players run on mobile devices?

Yes, many M3U8 players are compatible with mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets.

How can I troubleshoot issues with an M3U8 player?

If you encounter issues with an M3U8 player, you can try troubleshooting by refreshing the website, checking for compatibility with the multimedia content and device, checking the internet connection, and adjusting the playback settings.

Can M3U8 players be used for live streaming?

Experience the beauty of live broadcasting with our advanced livestream player. Whether you’re hosting a webinar, live event, or simply sharing moments, our player ensures the best streaming for your audience.

MP4 Player Online

By default the above player can play mp4 links but we also did a dedicated page for theĀ MP4 Player.

Embed Player Online

Integrate our player into your website or platform with our embed player online feature. It’s easy to use, ensuring your viewers enjoy seamless video playback.

Note: You can play M3U8, RTMP or MP4. More formats will be added in the future.